Pink Floyd Posters - Sixth U.S. Tour 1972

Pink Floyd
Sixth U.S. Tour
April-May 1972
Posters & Handbills

by The Pink Floyd Archives

This section of the Pink Floyd Poster Gallery documents Pink Floyd posters and handbills from their sixth U.S. tour in April and May 1972.
Ads from magazines and newspapers are not included.

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April-May 1972
Posters & Handbills

Pink Floyd

  1. Sixth U.S. Tour Posters

    1. April 1972

      1. Tampa, Florida poster, April 14, 1972
      2. Hollywood, Florida poster, April 15, 1972
      3. Akron, Ohio, April 22, 1972
        1. Poster
        2. Poster reprint
      4. Cincinnati, Ohio poster, April 23, 1972
      5. Chicago, Illinois poster, April 28, 1972

    2. May 1972

      1. Kennedy Center poster, May 3, 1972

April 1972

Tampa, Florida poster
April 14, 1972

1a) Tampa, Florida poster
Date & Venue: Fort Homer Hesterly Armory, Tampa, Florida, April 14, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Notes: A small poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory in Tampa, Florida on April 14, 1972. Xerox.

Hollywood, Florida poster
April 15, 1972

1b) Hollywood, Florida poster
Date & Venue: Sportatorium, Hollywood, Florida, April 15, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Notes: A small poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Sportatorium in Hollywood, Florida on April 15, 1972. Xerox.

Akron, Ohio poster
April 22, 1972

1c1) Akron, Ohio poster
Date & Venue: Civic Theater, Akron, Ohio, April 22, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Poster Artists: Roger Abramson and Jay Vecchio.
Poster Size: 20 1/16" x 12"
Notes: A poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Civic Theater in Akron, Ohio on April 22, 1972.
At the bottom of the poster, it says: "brought to you by A Friend." "A Friend" was a rock and roll promotion and production company that was owned by Roger Abramson. They produced the concert.
1c2) Akron, Ohio poster reprint

Poster Size: 19 3/16" x 11 3/4"
PT: .0172"
Notes: An authorized reprint of the poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Civic Theater in Akron, Ohio on April 22, 1972.
Limited edition of 60 printed.
Numbered and signed at the bottom by Roger Abramson.

Cincinnati, Ohio poster
April 23, 1972

1d) Cincinnati, Ohio poster
Date & Venue: Music Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 23, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Poster Artists: Roger Abramson and Jay Vecchio.
Notes: A poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Music Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 23, 1972.
At the bottom of the poster, it says: "brought to you by A Friend." "A Friend" was a rock and roll promotion and production company that was owned by Roger Abramson. They produced the concert.

Chicago, Illinois poster
April 28, 1972

1e) Chicago, Illinois poster
Date & Venue: The Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Illinois, April 28, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Notes: A poster for the Pink Floyd performance at The Auditorium Theater in Chicago, Illinois on April 23, 1972.

May 1972

Kennedy Center poster
May 3, 1972

2a) Kennedy Center poster
Date & Venue: Concert Hall, Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., May 3, 1972
Bands: Pink Floyd
Poster Size: 22 1/4" x 17 1/2"
Notes: A poster for the Pink Floyd performance at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. on May 3, 1972.