Pink Floyd
Download Discography

by Vernon Fitch

© copyright Vernon Fitch / The Pink Floyd Archives

This is a discography of internet downloads made available by Pink Floyd.
These are shows that are available only as downloads, and for a limited time only (usually about 6 weeks).

These live shows are from bootleg tapes made by tapers at the shows, and not by Pink Floyd, and as a result are of substandard quality.

These downloads were available via streaming services such as Amazon Music, Apple Music, HDTracks, Qobuz, Spotify, TIDAL, YouTube Music, and the bands official YouTube site.

Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography would be appreciated.

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  1. Pink Floyd concert downloadss

    1. December 2021 releases

      1. Live at Grosser Saal, Musikhalle, Hamburg, West Germany, February 25, 1971
      2. Refectory Hall, Leeds University, Yorkshire, England, February 29, 1970 & Paramount Theater, Seattle, Washington, October 22, 1971
      3. Lyon, France, June 12, 1971 & Tokyo, Japan, March 16, 1972
      4. Mauerspechte, Berlin Sportspalast, West Germany, June 5, 1971
      5. Rome Palaeur, Italy, June 20, 1971
      6. Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 26, 1971
      7. Pavillion de Montreux, Montreux, Switzerland, September 18 & 19, 1971
      8. KB Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 23, 1971
      9. The Great Hall, Bradford University, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, October 10, 1971
      10. Golden Hall, San Diego, California, October 17, 1971
      11. Quebac City, Canada, November 10, 1971

    2. December 2022 releases

      1. Guildhall, Southampton, Hampshire, January 23, 1972 (actually Wembley, November 16, 1974)
      2. Rainbow Theatre, London, February 18, 1972
      3. Rainbow Theatre, London, February 19, 1972
      4. Rainbow Theatre, London, February 20, 1972
      5. Taiikukan, Tokyo, Japan, March 6, 1972
      6. Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan, March 8, 1972
      7. Nakanoshima Sports Center, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, March 13, 1972
      8. The Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Illinois, April 28, 1972
      9. Carnegie Hall, New York City, New York, May 2, 1972
      10. Deutschlandhalle, West Berlin, West Germany, May 18, 1972
      11. The Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, California, September 22, 1972
      12. Wembley Empire Pool, London, England, October 21, 1972
      13. Ernst Merck Halle, Hamburg, West Germany, November 12, 1972
      14. Les Arenas, Parc des Expositions, Poitiers, France, November 29, 1972
      15. Centre Sportif ile des Vannes, Saint Ouen, France, December 1, 1972
      16. Sport Paleis Vorst National, Brussels, Belgium, December 5, 1972
      17. Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland, December 9, 1972
      18. Alternative Tracks 1972

    3. December 2023 releases

      1. Kiel Opera House, St Louis, Missouri, March 6, 1973
      2. Chicago International Amphitheatre, Chicago, Illinois, March 7, 1973
      3. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 8, 1973
      4. Kent State University, Ohio, March 10, 1973
      5. Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, March 11, 1973
      6. Boston Music Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, March 14, 1973
      7. Radio City Music Hall, New York, March 17, 1973
      8. Earls Court, London, England, March 18, 1973
      9. Earls Court, London, England, March 19, 1973
      10. Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, New York, June 17, 1973
      11. Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, New Jersey June 18, 1973
      12. Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, Maryland, June 20, 1973
      13. Sportatorium, Hollywood, Florida, June 28, 1973
      14. Olympiahalle, Munich, West Germany, October 12, 1973
      15. Vienna Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria, October 13, 1973
      16. Rainbow Theatre, London, England, November 4, 1973 (early show)
      17. Rainbow Theatre, London, England, November 4, 1973 (late show)

Title: Alternative Tracks 1972
Source: Pink Floyd-A Darker Side of the Moon bootleg

  1. Speak To Me / Breathe (In The Air) (Trance Remix) 07:52
  2. On the Run (demo) 03:13
  3. Time / Breathe (In The Air) (reprise) (incomplete early mix) 06:03
  4. Us and Them (incomplete early mix) 5:26
  5. Any Colour You Like (Trance Remix) 7:32