Pink Floyd
LP Discography

by Vernon Fitch

© copyright Vernon Fitch / The Pink Floyd Archives

This is a discography of vinyl albums (LPs) that have been released in Thailand by Pink Floyd. These releases are all unauthorized.

Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography would be appreciated.

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  1. Pink Floyd

    1. The Dark Side of the Moon

  2. Related

    1. Disco Hits `76
    2. Happening Hits, Vol. 2

Pink Floyd

The Dark Side of the Moon LP
EMI / Harvest Records

Title: The Dark Side of the Moon
Record Company: EMI / Harvest Records
Catalog Number: SHVL 804
Release Information: Cover manufactured in Singapore, with distribution in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand. Record made in Great Britain.
Description: Gatefold sleeve.
Cover: Black with prism. Includes a removable Pink Floyd sticker in the top right hand corner.
Label: Black prism EMI / Harvest label.


Disco Hits `76 LP

Title: Disco Hits `76
Record Company: Pioneer Records
Catalog Number: DLP 4718
Release Information: This album does not contain any Pink Floyd music, but features pictures of Pink Floyd on the cover.
Cover: Pictures of the members of Pink Floyd behind two disco musicians.
Label: Disco Hits `76 label.

Happening Hits, Vol. 2 LP

Title: Happening Hits, Vol. 2
Record Company: LS Records
Catalog Number: LS-6088
Release Information: This album does not contain any Pink Floyd music, but features a picture of David Gilmour on the cover.
Cover: Pictures of rock and roll performers.
Label: Tan Happening Hits label.