© copyright Vernon Fitch/The Pink Floyd Archives
Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography would be appreciated.
In Poland, a number of postcards were issued with Pink Floyd songs on them. These picture postcards have a thin layer of plastic on one side into which is pressed the grooves of the record.
Song: Arnold Layne
Number on card: 352
Description: Picture of flower bouquet with the title "Wdniu Twojego 'swieta."
Song: Candy and a Currant Bun
Number on card: 345
Description: Picture of flower bouquet with the title "Najlepsze zyczenia." Also issued with a picture of lillies, and the title "Jezeli odpowiedziales Bogu tak, odpowiedziales dla rozradowania."
Song: See Emily Play
Number on card: 349
Description: Picture of flower bouquet with the title "Serdeczne zyczenia."
Song: The Scarecrow
Number on card: None.
Description: Cartoon characters.
Song: Chapter 24
Number on card: None.
Description: Four pictures of Poland with the title "Biskupiec zaprasza." Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: Apples and Oranges
Number on card: None.
Description: Cartoon ducks. Also issued with a picture of a rocky stream, with the title "Kazde zycie ku morzu milosci."
Song: Paint Box
Number on card: None.
Description: Picture of yellow flowers with the title "Najserdeczniejsze zyczenia." Also issued with a different picture.
Song: It Would Be So Nice
Number on card: None.
Description: Cartoon characters (same picture as for The Scarecrow).
Song: Remember a Day
Number on card: None.
Description: Issued with two different paintings of buildings.
Song: Corporal Clegg
Number on card: None.
Description: Witold Wojtkiewicz painting. Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: Julia Dream
Number on card: None.
Description: Man fishing in river. Also issued with a picture of a river flowing through the mountains. Also issued with a third different picture.
Song: Point Me at the Sky
Number on card: 03-1207
Description: Picture of flower bouquet with the title "Moc zyczen."
Song: Careful With That Axe Eugene
Number on card: None.
Description: Girl licking ice cream with the title "Sa tajemnice, ktore poznaje sie we dwoje."
Song: Atom Heart Mother
Number on card: None.
Description: A 4 1/2" X 5 9/16" postcard, laminated front and back, with a picture of the four members of Pink Floyd on the front.
Song: Absolutely Curtains
Number on card: None.
Description: A photo of Big Ben. Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: One of These Days
Number on card: None.
Description: A picture of a dear head by Jozef Robakowski. Also issued with a different picture.
Song: Breathe
Number on card: None.
Description: A picture by Monika Loster. Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: Time
Number on card: None.
Description: Portret pieciu kobiet na tle Tatr, Zakopane, ok. 1913. Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: The Great Gig in the Sky
Number on card: None.
Description: Yellow signs by Monika Loster. Also issued with a different picture.
Song: Welcome to the Machine
Number on card: None.
Description: Six photos with the title "MRAGOWO." Also issued with a different picture.
Song: Wish You Were Here
Number on card: None.
Description: A cathedral.
Song: Is There Anybody Out There?
Number on card: None.
Description: Zdzislaw Beksinski, Studium (portret), 1957, brom, 365x285mm © Muzeum Narodowe we Wroclawiu. Also issued with a different picture.
Song: Run Like Hell
Number on card: None.
Description: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Autoportret, Zakopane, przed 1914, fotografia, Kolekcja Ewy Franczak I Stefana Okolowicza, Warszawa, Wydawnnictwo Fundacji Kultury dla Galerii Zacheta. Also issued with two different pictures.
Song: Waiting for the Worms
Number on card: None.
Description: Tow. Zach. Sztuk Pieknych. Also issued with a different picture.
Song: Southampton Dock
Number on card: None.
Description: Wildlife photo. Also issued with a different picture.
Song: A New Machine
Number on card: None.
Description: A painting of a man by Jerzy Mierzejewski Malarz, 1983. Also issued with two other pictures.
Song: On the Turning Away
Number on card: None.
Release Information: This postcard is smaller than the others.
Description: A photo of the city by A. Lenkiewicz. Also issued with a different picture.
Title: Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Songs: Astronomy Domine, Lucifer Sam, Matilda Mother, Flaming, Pow R. Toc H., Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk, Interstellar Overdrive, The Gnome, Chapter 24, The Scarecrow, Bike.
Record Label: POP records
Catalog Number: None.
Release Information: A set of eleven picture postcards released in a grey postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish.
Description on each postcard:
PF 0: Jerzy Mierzejewski Jezioro 1992, Olej Na Plotnie, 110x153 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF I: Jerzy Mierzejewski MOJ OGROD 1991, Olej Zna Plotnie, 112x135 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF II: Jerzy Mierzejewski Sekwana II 1983/84, Olej Na Plotnie, 100x140,5 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF III: Jerzy Mierzejewski Ogrod 1986, Olej Na Plotnie, 145x185 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF IV: Jerzy Mierzejewski Kanal Zima 1980, Olej Na Plotnie, 130x100 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF V: Jerzy Mierzejewski Martwa Natura W Oknie 1977, Olej Na Plotnie, 80x60 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF VI: Jerzy Mierzejewski Bukowina 1970, Olej Na Plotnie, 140x210 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF VII: Jerzy Mierzejewski Cynie 1970, Olej Na Plotnie, 80x60 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF VIII: Jerzy Mierzejewski Malarz 1983, Olej Na Plotnie, 140,5x210,5 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF IX: Jerzy Mierzejewski Le Gorges Du Tarne 1992, Olej Na Plotnie, 120x150 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
PF X: Jerzy Mierzejewski Okno 1997, Olej Na Plotnie, 130x89 © Wydawnictwo TERRA NOVA 1999.
Title: Live Tracks
Songs: A number of live recordings of Pink Floyd.
Record Label: POP records
Catalog Number: None.
Release Information: A set of ten picture postcards released in a grey postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish.
Description on each postcard:
PF LT I: Agata Olszynska, Dwa morza, 60 x 120 cm.
PF LT II: Agata Olszynska, Drzwi, 120 x 80 cm.
PF LT III: Agata Olszynska, Deszcz, 80 x 60 cm.
PF LT IV: Monika Loster, Red Signs, 155 x 110 cm.
PF LT V: Monika Loster, Bez tytulu (VII05), 115 x 108 cm.
PF LT VI: Monika Loster, 220 Volt, 117 x 123 cm.
PF LT VII: Agata Olszynska, Panorama, 50 x 450 cm.
PF LT VIII: Agata Olszynska, Bez tytulu, 60 x 41 cm.
PF LT IX: Agata Olszynska, Potrzeba swiezego powietrza, 60 x 120 cm.
PF LT X: Agata Olszynska, Noc, 160 x 80 cm.
Title: Dark Side
Songs: Money, Us and Them, Any Colour You Like, Brain Damage, Eclipse
Record Label: Polpress
Catalog Number: Polpress 003
Release Information: A set of five picture postcards released in a white postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish.
Description of Each Postcard:
Money: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 11. Orange background and a picture of a brass antique. Polish description: Nachrapnik konski, azurowy, z datq 1569, Niemcy (Panstwowe Zbiory Sztuki na Wawelu) wg foto barwnej A. Wierzby.
Us and Them: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 12. Picture of two people standing on a bridge overlooking a river. Polish description: KRAKOW, Wawel - widok od strony Wisly, fot. Z. Lagocki.
Any Colour You Like: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 13. Same picture as on the Us and Them postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW, Wawel - widok od strony Wisly, fot. Z. Lagocki.
Brain Damage: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 14. Picture of people in a Polish town. Polish description: KRAKOW, Plac Wiosny Ludow, fot. P. Krassowski.
Eclipse: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 15. Same picture as on the Brain Damage postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW, Plac Wiosny Ludow, fot. P. Krassowski.
Title: 67-69
Songs: Apples & Oranges, It Would Be So Nice, Paint Box, Julia Dream, See Emily Play
Record Label: Polpress
Catalog Number: Polpress 005
Release Information: A set of five picture postcards released in a white postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish.
Description of Each Postcard:
Apples & Oranges: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 20. Picture of the inside of a buliding with two swords in cases. Polish description: KRAKOW, Zamek Krolewski na Wawelu. Gotycka Sala Jadwigi I Jagielly (XIV w.) Szczerbiec - miecz koronacyjny krolow polskich (1. Pol. XII w.) oraz miecz Zygmunta I. Uzywany do pasowania rycerzy (pocz. XVI w.) wg fotografii barwnej T. Bilinskiego.
It Would Be So Nice: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 21. Picture of inside of building with table and paintings. Polish description: KRAKOW. Zamek Krolewski na Wawelu. Barokowy gabinet w wiezy Zygmunta III. Malarstwo holenderskie XVII w. wg fotografii barwnej T. Bilinskiego.
Paint Box: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 22. Picture of cannons, cannon balls and banners. Polish description: KRAKOW. Zamek Krolewski na Wawelu. Zbrojownia w gotyckiej piwnicy z pol. XIV w. Bron drzewcowa z XV-XVII w. mozdzierze z XVII w., kopie choragwi zdobytych pod Grunwaldem wg fotografii barwnej T. Bilinskiego.
Julia Dream: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 23. Same picture as on the It Would Be So Nice postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Zamek Krolewski na Wawelu. Barokowy gabinet w wiezy Zygmunta III. Malarstwo holenderskie XVII w. wg fotografii barwnej T. Bilinskiego.
See Emily Play: Number stamped in purple on back of card: 24. Same picture as on Paint Box postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Zamek Krolewski na Wawelu. Zbrojownia w gotyckiej piwnicy z pol. XIV w. Bron drzewcowa z XV-XVII w. mozdzierze z XVII w., kopie choragwi zdobytych pod Grunwaldem wg fotografii barwnej T. Bilinskiego.
Title: Meddle
Songs: One of These Days, A Pillow of Winds, Fearless, San Tropez, Seamus
Record Label: Polpress
Catalog Number: Polpress 025
Release Information: A set of five picture postcards released in a white postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish. The picture on each postcard in this set is identical.
Description of Each Postcard:
One of These Days: Labeled as "One of Those Days". Number written on back of card: 24. Two pictures side by side. The left picture is in full color and shows people in a city. The right picture is in brown and is of the same scene without the people. The picture is labeled KRAKOW. Polish description: KRAKOW. Brama Florianska (XIV w.) - stan obecny. Brama Florianska u wylotu Florianskiej. Restaurowana w pol. XIX w. zyskala pseudogotycka balustrade na pieterku I po obu stronach akadowy kruzganek z para bocznych przejsc w murze na Planty. (Zdjecie z ok. 1875 r.) zdjecie z prywatnych zbiorow L. Krolikowskiego. Fot. E. Paszkowska.
A Pillow of Winds: Labeled as "A Villow of Winds". Number written on back of card: 25. Same picture as on the One of Those Days postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Brama Florianska (XIV w.) - stan obecny. Brama Florianska u wylotu Florianskiej. Restaurowana w pol. XIX w. zyskala pseudogotycka balustrade na pieterku I po obu stronach akadowy kruzganek z para bocznych przejsc w murze na Planty. (Zdjecie z ok. 1875 r.) zdjecie z prywatnych zbiorow L. Krolikowskiego. Fot. E. Paszkowska.
Fearless: Number written on back of card: 26. Same picture as on the One of Those Days postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Brama Florianska (XIV w.) - stan obecny. Brama Florianska u wylotu Florianskiej. Restaurowana w pol. XIX w. zyskala pseudogotycka balustrade na pieterku I po obu stronach akadowy kruzganek z para bocznych przejsc w murze na Planty. (Zdjecie z ok. 1875 r.) zdjecie z prywatnych zbiorow L. Krolikowskiego. Fot. E. Paszkowska.
San Tropez: Number written on back of card: 27. Same picture as on the One of Those Days postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Brama Florianska (XIV w.) - stan obecny. Brama Florianska u wylotu Florianskiej. Restaurowana w pol. XIX w. zyskala pseudogotycka balustrade na pieterku I po obu stronach akadowy kruzganek z para bocznych przejsc w murze na Planty. (Zdjecie z ok. 1875 r.) zdjecie z prywatnych zbiorow L. Krolikowskiego. Fot. E. Paszkowska.
Seamus: Number written on back of card: 28. Same picture as on the One of Those Days postcard. Polish description: KRAKOW. Brama Florianska (XIV w.) - stan obecny. Brama Florianska u wylotu Florianskiej. Restaurowana w pol. XIX w. zyskala pseudogotycka balustrade na pieterku I po obu stronach akadowy kruzganek z para bocznych przejsc w murze na Planty. (Zdjecie z ok. 1875 r.) zdjecie z prywatnych zbiorow L. Krolikowskiego. Fot. E. Paszkowska.
Title: Super Floyd
Songs: Shine On Crazy Diamond, Pigs On the Wing, Dogs, Pigs, Sheep
Record Label: Polpress
Catalog Number: none given
Release Information: A set of five picture postcards released in a white postcard holder. Each postcard has a hole punched in the middle and one song pressed on the side with the picture. The reverse side is white with a place for a stamp and address, and has a description of the picture in Polish.
Description of Each Postcard:
Shine On You Crazy Diamond: Labeled as "Shine On Crazy Diamond". Number written on back of card: PF 1. Picture of three flowers. Polish description: fot. E. Paszkowsk.
Pigs On the Wing: Number written on back of card: PF 2. Picture of street and two buildings. Polish description: WARSZAWA. Wylot ulicy Koziej na Krakowskie Przedmiescie; z lewej siedziba Prokuratury Gener alnej w rokokowym pafacu dawnej poczty krolewskiej obok kawiarnia Telimena. fot. S. R. Sadowski - KAW.
Dogs: Number written on back of card: PF 3. Same picture as on Pigs On the Wing postcard. Polish description: WARSZAWA. Wylot ulicy Koziej na Krakowskie Przedmiescie; z lewej siedziba Prokuratury Gener alnej w rokokowym pafacu dawnej poczty krolewskiej obok kawiarnia Telimena. fot. S. R. Sadowski - KAW.
Pigs: Number written on back of card: PF 4. Picture of two flowers. Polish description: fot. E. Paszkowska.
Sheep: Number written on back of card: PF 5. Picture of street and buildings. Polish description: WARSZAWA. Ulica Stara. fot. A. Zborski.
Each set of five postcards are wrapped in a white heavy paper wrapper. This is the front of the Dark Side set wrapper.
Each wrapper has a flap that lists numbers with songs next to them. The numbers indicate which postcard has what song on it.
This is the front of the Us and Them postcard. Note the hole in the middle for the spindle of the turntable.
The back of the postcard has a description of the picture on the front.
It also has the number 12 stamped in purple in the lower right hand corner, indicating the song.
The back of the wrapper shows some flowers and the catalog number of the set, Polpress 003.