by Vernon Fitch
with contributions from Leo Roujinsky & Hannes Taucher
© copyright Vernon Fitch / The Pink Floyd Archives
Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography are appreciated.
Title: Atom Heart Mother
Record Company: Helicon Records
Catalog Number: 7243 8 31246 2 6
Bar Code: 7243 8 31246 2 6
Release Information:
Front Cover: A cow.
Label: Picture label.
Title: The Dark Side of the Moon
Record Company: Helicon Records
Catalog Number: 7243 8 29752 2 9
Bar Code: 7 24382 97522 9
Matrix Information:
1) Bottom: 829752 @ 1 [IFPI 5F34]
Release Information:
Total Time: 42:54
Track Peak Levels: 87.8 / 94.7 / 100 / 97.2 / 100 / 99.1 / 97.7 / 93.9 / 97.7
Front Cover: Black with prism.
Back Cover: Inverted prism. Bar code.
Label: Prism picture label.
Title: Wish You Were Here
Record Company: Helicon Records
Catalog Number: 7243 8 29750 2 1
Bar Code: 7 24382 97502 1
Matrix Information:
1) Bottom: 829750 @ 3 [IFPI 1U34]
Release Information:
Total Time: 44:08
Track Peak Levels: 97.7 / 97.7 / 97.7 / 97.7 / 97.7
Front Cover: Burning man. Title.
Back Cover: Mechanical handshake. Bar code.
Label: Picture label.
Title: Animals
Record Company: Helicon Records
Catalog Number: 7243 8 29748 2 6
Bar Code: 7 24382 97482 6
Matrix Information:
1) Bottom: EMI UDEN 8297482 @ 1 IFPI L045 [IFPI 1U22]
2) Bottom: EMI UDEN 8297482 @ 1 IFPI L046 [IFPI 1U22] (promo)
Release Information:
Total Time: 41:39
Track Peak Levels: 48.3 / 82.7 / 64.8 / 75.7 / 32.4
Front Cover: Pig over Battersea.
Back Cover: Song titles. Credits. Bar code (Printed in Holland).
Label (promo): Picture label of a wet dog. Promo markings on the label.
Label: Picture label of a wet dog.
Text across the bottom edge of the label starts at 8 o'clock and says:
Title: The Wall
Record Company: Helicon Records
Catalog Number: CDP 7243 8 31243 2 9
Release Information: Israeli issue.
Front Cover: White brick wall.
Back Cover: White brick wall. Credits.
Label: Picture labels.
Title: Pink Floyd & Friends
Record Company: Power Sound 2001
Catalog Number: PS-NEMS 1001-2
Bar Code: None.
Matrix Information:
1) Top: MADE IN ISRAEL PS-1001-2 A1 <3110449> IFPI LB81 [IFPI 5F01]
Release Information:
Front Cover: Title. Picture of band.
Back Cover: Credits.
Label: Art label.