Pink Floyd
Vinyl Singles Discography

by Vernon Fitch

© copyright Vernon Fitch / The Pink Floyd Archives

The following is a discography of vinyl singles (45s) that have been released in Ireland by Pink Floyd.

Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography are appreciated.

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Pink Floyd

  1. Apples and Oranges / Paint Box
  2. It Would Be So Nice / Julia Dream
  3. Point Me at the Sky / Careful With That Axe Eugene
  4. Another Brick in the Wall (Part II) / One of My Turns
  5. When The Tigers Broke Free / Bring The Boys Back Home
  6. Not Now John / The Hero's Return

Pink Floyd

Title: Apples and Oranges / Paint Box
Picture / Title Sleeve: None.
Record Company: Columbia Records
Catalog Number: DB (I) 8310
Matrix Information: (side 1 / side 2)
1) 7XCA 30453-2 KT C1 / 7XCA 30454-1 KT (both stamped)
Release Date: 1968
Labels: Black Columbia labels. Punchout center with small spindle hole. Made in the Republic of Ireland.
Text around the top edge of the label starts at 8 o'clock and says:

Columbia Graphophone Co. Ltd.- All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. - Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited.

Title: It Would Be So Nice / Julia Dream
Picture / Title Sleeve: None.
Record Company: Columbia Records
Catalog Number: DB (I) 8401
Release Date: 1968
Labels: Black Columbia labels. Punchout center with small spindle hole. Made in the Republic of Ireland.
Text around the top edge of the label starts at 8 o'clock and says:

Columbia Graphophone Co. Ltd.- All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. - Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited.

Title: Point Me at the Sky / Careful With That Axe Eugene
Picture / Title Sleeve: None.
Record Company: Columbia Records
Catalog Number: DB (I) 8511
Labels: Black Columbia labels. Punchout center with small spindle hole. Made in the Republic of Ireland.
Text around the top edge of the label starts at 8 o'clock and says:

Columbia Graphophone Co. Ltd.- All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. - Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited.

Title: Another Brick in the Wall (Part II) / One of My Turns
Picture / Title Sleeve: None.
Record Company: Harvest Records
Catalog Number: HAR 5194
Matrix Information: (side 1 / side 2)
1) HAR 5194 A-3U TML-S IRL / HAR 5194 B-3U TML-M IRL (both stamped)
Labels #1: Picture labels. Small spindle hole.
Labels #2: Picture labels. Punchout center with small spindle hole.
Text around the top edge of the label starts at 9 o'clock and says:

All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. - Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited.

When the Tigers Broke Free picture sleeve
Harvest Records

Title: When The Tigers Broke Free / Bring The Boys Back Home
Picture/Title Sleeve: Picture sleeve.
Record Company: Harvest Records.
Catalog Number: HAR 5222
Matrix Information: (side 1 / side 2)
1) HAR 5222 A-7U-1-1- / HAR 5222 B-3U-1- IRL (both stamped) (UTOPIA written on both sides)
Front Cover: Screaming face from the Wall movie, with the words "Pink Floyd - The Wall - Music From the Film."
Back Cover: Song titles, Credits. Catalog number.
Labels: Yellow-green Harvest labels. Small spindle hole.
Text around the top edge of label starts at 10 o'clock and says:

EMI Records Ltd. All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved.
Text around the bottom edge of label starts at 8 o'clock and says:
Unauthorized public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited. Made in the Rep. of Ireland.

Title: Not Now John / The Hero's Return
Picture / Title Sleeve: None
Record Company: Harvest Records
Catalog Number: HAR 5224
Matrix Information: (side 1 / side 2)
1) HAR 5224 A-3-1- / HAR 5224 B-3-1- (both stamped) (NICKZ written on both sides)
Labels: Yellow-green Harvest labels. At the bottom it says "Made in Ireland." Small spindle hole.
Text around the top edge of label starts at 10 o'clock and says:

EMI Records Ltd. All rights of the manufacturer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved.
Text around the bottom edge of label starts at 7 o'clock and says:
Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, and copying of this record prohibited.