Pink Floyd
Vinyl Singles Discography

by Vernon Fitch

© copyright Vernon Fitch / The Pink Floyd Archives

This is a discography of Pink Floyd vinyl singles that have been released in India.

Any comments, corrections or additions to this discography are appreciated.

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Pink Floyd

  1. Arnold Layne / Candy and a Currant Bun

Pink Floyd

Title: Arnold Layne / Candy and a Currant Bun
Record Company: Columbia Records
Catalog Number: 8156
Cover: None.
Labels: Black Columbia Records labels. Punchout center.
Text around the top edge of the label starts at 10 o'clock and says:

Made in India by The Gramophone Co. of India (Private) Ltd. Registered User.

Text around the bottom edge of the label starts at 8 o'clock and says:

This copyright record must not be publicly performed without license.